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Request for Portrait Mode Lock Setting in App
Open, LowPublic


"Hello. Thank you for your work on the app. It’s a great app and one of my most used. If I could make one suggestion, I would appreciate it if there was a setting for locking the app into portrait mode separate from the iOS orientation setting.

Thanks for your time."

Event Timeline

HNordeenWMF moved this task from Needs Triage to Garage on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.
HNordeenWMF subscribed.

hi @ARamadan-WMF thank you for this! Please follow up with user to thank them for the suggestion and let them know we cannot add this at this time. You can recommend using the device portrait mode setting, or explore using a Shortcut to automate the switching to Portrait mode every time the Wikipedia app is opened (Example: