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Launching new bullseye deployment-prep instances fails, no sudo access
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Just tried launching a bullseye instance on deployment-prep. Puppet fails early enough that I have no sudo on the instance.

The failure is Repository ' bullseye-zed-backports InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from 'Infomaniak' to 'Mirantis'.

This seems to be coming from ::profile::base::labs where profile::base::labs::unattended_osbpo is set to "present" in hieradata/cloud.yaml.

Sure enough, shows Origin: Mirantis (but is signed)

full run in case it's helpful P59106

Event Timeline

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This looks like T366028 but when I encounter that issue puppet still completes and I'm able to log in and use the VMs.

I expect to have T366028 fixed tomorrow anyway so you may as well wait for that before retesting.

Andrew triaged this task as High priority.

I have built several bullseye VMs without trouble so I not believe this to be fixed.