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PHP Deprecated: Use of Modules must target desktop and mobile. Module name:ext.DarkMode.styles was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.41.
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PHP message: PHP Deprecated: Use of Modules must target desktop and mobile. Module name:ext.DarkMode was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.41. [Called from MediaWiki\ResourceLoader\StartUpModule::getScript in /var/www/w/includes/ResourceLoader/StartUpModule.php at line 436] in /var/www/w/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 386

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Reedy renamed this task from PHP Deprecated: Use of Modules must target desktop and mobile. Module name:ext.DarkMode.styles was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.41. to PHP Deprecated: Use of Modules must target desktop and mobile. Module name:ext.DarkMode.styles was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.41..Apr 2 2024, 10:37 AM

rEDKMd7ee54f8dc8a: Dark mode code should load on mobile and desktop targets made the change for this T127268: Dismantle ResourceLoader's "targets" system.

Which is in MW-1.40-release and MW-1.41-release.

What version of MediaWiki and what version of the extension are you using? Did you update the extension when you updated MediaWiki core?

R4356th subscribed.

Closing per what @Reedy said; there is no reason for the change to not take effect if you have updated the extension.