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Patchdemo can deploy a mediawiki on Catalyst
Open, Needs TriagePublic


AS a patchdemo user

GIVEN I have signed into patch demo
AND configured a mediawiki with the Thanks extension
WHEN I hit Start
AND wait five minute
THEN I see my mediawiki running at the displayed URL

GIVEN I have deployed a mediawiki with patchdemo
WHEN I curl the catalyst API: GET /api/environments
THEN I see a JSON response with my environment


TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Accept multiple refs for patchesrepos/qte/catalyst/ci-charts!10jhuneidiT363192main
Deploy mediawiki to k8s using catalyst backendrepos/qte/catalyst/patchdemo!9jhuneidiT363192master
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

SDunlap edited projects, added Catalyst (Acersecomicke 🐑); removed Catalyst.
SDunlap moved this task from Acersecomicke 🐑 to Backlog on the Catalyst board.
SDunlap edited projects, added Catalyst; removed Catalyst (Acersecomicke 🐑).

Some things that need to happen on the patchdemo side:
After pushing "create demo":

  • Print logs for catalyst media wiki creation
  • On completion, make sure open wiki button goes to the right place
  • Fix “you can log in as…text” by either adding those to our mediawiki chart or removing the text

Previously Generated Wikis Table:

  • Make sure link goes to the right place
  • Make sure delete button works (or disable for now)
  • Make sure copy button works (or disable for now)