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[EPIC] Work with communities to standardize infoboxes
Open, HighPublic


NOTE: Blocks deployment to French and Italian Wikipedia and other projects (see impacted projects)


Various projects use different markup for their infoboxes that does not follow the guidance in Recommendation: Use standardized class names in HTML markup for components in templates across projects

As a result:

  • Infoboxes do not adapt to mobile screens consistently with other projects
  • Infoboxes are not relocated after the first paragraph
  • These projects have infoboxes that are not optimized for mobile or night mode.

These projects are likely to see a delay in getting night mode.

Impacted projects

User story

As a user of a project using a non-standard infobox I would like to have an infobox friendly in night mode.


  • All projects must mark their infoboxes with the infobox class to get optimizations.

Acceptance criteria

On a mobile device:

  • The infobox should appear below the lead paragraph
  • The infobox should be friendly in night mode.