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toolforge: create a PSP migration plan
Open, In Progress, MediumPublic


This task is to track the work to outline a migration plan from PSP to Kyverno.

Event Timeline

the plan could be this:

if we don't want to mutate existing workloads (!) by hand (script or something) we will need to carefully craft the kyverno policies so the templates produced in the PSP days are valid on kyverno's eyes.

aborrero changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Mon, May 6, 12:50 PM
aborrero triaged this task as Medium priority.
aborrero moved this task from Backlog to Doing on the User-aborrero board.

Updated T362050: toolforge: review pod templates for PSP replacement to make sure our pod templates are updated accordingly.

Another point to consider: how to back-fill per-tool kyverno policies for existing tools.