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Suggested Edits: Don't suggest an article in Suggeted Edits, if the last edit was a Suggested Edit (Newcomer Task)
Open, MediumPublic


User story & summary:

As a newcomer, I want to make productive edits, so that my contribution is valued and not reverted.
As an experienced editor, I don't want newcomers to edit the same article again and again, because sometimes the article is in a good state but the template hasn't yet been removed.

Background & research:

This task is important because:

  • We should avoid situations like this.
  • Newcomers might fix an issue, but are unlikely to remove the maintenance template. We should give another editor a chance to edit (and possibly remove the template) before the article is surfaced in Suggested Edits again.
  • Experienced editors from multiple communities have suggested we consider something like this.
Acceptance Criteria:

Given an article's most recent edit has a Newcomer task tag,
Then the article should not be surfaced in Suggested Edits.