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Fail Mail (civi1002) run-job: Get recipient data from Silverpop failed with code 1
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Fail Mail (civi1002) run-job: Get recipient data from Silverpop failed with code 1

This is failing cost the login is failing - might be the account we use got disabled / put in 'must change password' mode

Tue, May 21, 11:50 PM (16 hours ago)

to fr-tech-failmail
This message has been deleted. Restore message
See the logs for more information: /var/log/process-control/omnimail_recipient_load/omnimail_recipient_load-20240521-115001.log

Event Timeline

XenoRyet moved this task from Triage to DRI Backlog on the Fundraising-Backlog board.

I had a go at logging into Acoustic ... and failed - I'm assuming the issue here is the credentials have expired - but so have the credentials I normally use to login I guess.

At least our data is secure :-)

We might need @KHaggard to help us get fr-tech back into Acoustic & to notify @JMando that this data is not being fetched - probably because Acoustic has expired the login we use (in the past we managed to stop that happening for some years - can we relive that?)

Hi @Eileenmcnaughton I just unlocked your account, Damilare's account, and Wenjun's account. Let me know if you still can't log in.

We are getting data again in civicrm_mailing_provider_data

Do we need to backfill for the time we were not getting data in civicrm_mailing_provider_data, civicrm_mailing, or civicrm_mailing_stats?

@JMando I don't think so cos it tracks the last fetch date rather than using a fetch date relative to when it runs

XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 2.