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[Regression] Table cells can't be edited anymore after doing a row/column operation on mobile
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open this page on a mobile browser:
  1. Scroll down to find the only table on the page.
  1. Select a cell by doing one tap on the cell and then tap on the row/column operation menu icon.

Observe that, along with the row and column operation menu, there is also a table content operation menu that opens up at the bottom.


IMG_5492.PNG (2×1 px, 179 KB)

  1. Now, select another cell by doing one tap on the table cell. Observe that, the table content operation menu still stays open even though we moved away to another cell.


IMG_5493.PNG (2×1 px, 155 KB)

After this point, you won't be able to edit content on any table cell because double tapping on the table cells won't put the cursor inside them anymore.

Expected Result: At step 4 when we move to a different cell close the bottom menu, and if the user double taps on the cell they should be able to edit the cell content as usual.

Device: iphone
