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[REPO] Please remove use of BeforePageDisplayMobile hook
Open, HighPublic


The BeforePageDisplayMobile will be deprecated in 1.43 (T350200).

A usage was detected in the Wikibase codebase here:
Please update it to use the BeforePageDisplay hook. Thanks in advance!

The preferred way to do this is to use the BeforePageDisplay hook as follows:

$isMobileView = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) &&
			$services->getService( 'MobileFrontend.Context' )->shouldDisplayMobileView();
if ( $isMobileView ) {

Event Timeline

This is the last remaining instance in production. I am aiming to hard deprecate this by end of June - could this be prioritized with that timeline in mind? Thanks in advance!

Prio Notes:

Impact AreaAffected
production / end usersno
development effortsyes
onboarding effortsno
additional stakeholdersyes
ItamarWMDE renamed this task from Please remove use of BeforePageDisplayMobile hook to [REPO] Please remove use of BeforePageDisplayMobile hook.Thu, May 30, 1:03 PM

Hey there any updates on when we can expect this to be prioritized?