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Enhance Tool Watch to Track Tool Liveliness and Display Graphs
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, Tool Watch only tracks whether web-based tools are up or down by performing a crawl - Pingdom checks every 24 hours, updating our database, and setting the tool status accordingly.

This project aims to track tool liveliness using a relational database, storing the date-timestamp versus the tool's status. Additionally, it will display this data as a graph when clicking on the tool, accessible via a new route, for example,<tool-name>.

Since the tool is deployed on toolforge, See: to make sure the new DB type and schema are supported by toolforge.

Tool live at:
Source code:

Event Timeline

Hi @Hrideshmg, thank you for the pull request! It looks good. However, upon reviewing, I've identified a couple of issues. When simulating with a few days (prior and next), the x-axis appears to be sorted in reverse from the expected behaviour. The latest dates should be on the right side, but they seem to be in reverse order. Additionally, it would be nice to provide an option to select the year and month directly on the graph. The default view can be set to the current month and year.

image.png (1×1 px, 176 KB)

Something similar to

image.png (328×2 px, 49 KB)

Hello @Gopavasanth, thank you for the prompt response. I've resolved the bug with the dates and added a month/year selector, also i would like to add that @Rihaan180 has also helped me with this PR.

Gopavasanth assigned this task to Hrideshmg.

Thank you @Hrideshmg, @Rihaan180 for your amazing contributions to Tool-Watch!

Now with additional functionality to display the availability metrics of webservice tools deployed on Toolforge. Visit to see the new features!