Page MenuHomePhabricator script: use "Mediawiki:Newusermessage-signatures" page for RANDOM_SIGN variable instead of different page per project
Open, LowPublicFeature


Although I wasn't sure about creating this; this is not a request, but a suggestion. In script of pywikibot, we have RANDOM_SIGN variable storing page titles per project to pick up a signature randomly. I didn't look at the history to see how old RANDOM_SIGN is, but in my opinion we don't need to extend the file and have another configuration variable, but we can directly get signatures for all projects from Mediawiki:Newusermessage-signatures. I did a quick search and found that the page is already created on arwiki, ckbwiki, fawiki, urwiki and zhwiki but not in enwiki and others registered in RANDOM_SIGN. Extension:NewUserMessage is the story behind this mediawiki page title. The extension is not required for "" script, but just uses the page title. Some wikis installed the extension and finally we use that resource; killing two (or more) birds with one stone.

One more suggestion is that we can make the Mediawiki page title default to those projects want it or has no specific page for this purpose or don't want to register. Thanks!

Event Timeline

Xqt renamed this task from In pywikibot's script use "Mediawiki:Newusermessage-signatures" page for RANDOM_SIGN variable instead of different page per project to script: use "Mediawiki:Newusermessage-signatures" page for RANDOM_SIGN variable instead of different page per project.May 25 2024, 7:26 PM
Xqt triaged this task as Low priority.
Xqt changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Feature Request".

@Aram: nice idea but isn't obsolete if this extension is installed on a site?

@Xqt, That's the question I expected! This is just my answer and it may be better to get the experience of experts. If we’re just talking about adding a welcome message, yes, the extension defeats the script leaving it no chance to welcome users, but the script can still check for bad names, has many features and fully customizable. The extension usually don't let script from adding welcome messages because once an account is attached to the project, the extension immediately sends a welcome message. I don't know about the extension configurations, but take a look at User:New user message contributions on ckbwiki; all of them are just sending a welcome message.