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Allow easy way to report bugs to Dark Vector
Open, Needs TriagePublic


This is a task or a question. I've just noticed new experimental Dark Mode for Vector. It breaks Dark Vector gadget on En Wiki. I've got Dark mode applied twice and since The gadget reverse the colors I got light theme. It took me a moment to realize that there is a new Dark Mode feature.

First question: I notice that a lot of pages are not styled, should we report missing pages?

If no new issue should be reported, then maybe it will be a good idea to allow users to track the progress of the feature. I enabled dark mode on Polish Wikipedia, but since most pages are not in Dark Mode I switched back to gadget.

Also note that I don't see Dark Mode in Beta features on PL Wiki, where this is enabled.

Przechwycenie obrazu ekranu_2024-05-26_00-00-51.png (441×225 px, 14 KB)

The images came from En Wiki, where I keep dark mode on, since I read it more than edit.

Event Timeline

I think the first item is T365083; the rest to me looks more like questions for a talk page?

Jdlrobson subscribed. is where we are discussing general feedback and where most of the community is congregating. Regarding pages where night mode is not available - there are open tickets for eventually enabling all these pages. The fact the mode is disabled there is a result of a manual audit (so no tickets are necessary).

For specific problems these need to happen on wikis so are best brought up on the talk pages of the associated templates.

To track progress of the feature it is best to subscribe to that talk page. Progress will vary depending on project.