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Archive SemanticBundle extension from Wikimedia Gerrit and related places as it is maintained in GitHub instead
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Code is hosted in instead.

To-do list

  • This task
    • Add maintainers of that extension/skin as subscribers to this task (if they have no apparent Phabricator account, notify them on-wiki or via email if possible and note it here).
    • Add Phabricator project <#ProjectX> as a tag for this task, and remove MediaWiki-extensions-Other/Other-skins as appropriate.
  • On-wiki documentation
    • Archive documentation on (provide URL): replace page contents with {{Archived extension|last revision id before archiving|task=T######}} (for extensions)/{{Archived skin|last revision|task=T######}} (for skins); replace T###### with this task's number.
    • If documentation page was translatable, remove <translate>, visit Special:PageTranslation, and click "remove from translation" (if you don't have the translation administrator right, ask a user who does).
    • Update Wikidata item (provide URL) associated with documentation page
      • add statement Abandonware (Q281039) to instance of (P31) together with qualifier start time (P580) = the YYYY-MM-DD date that you decided to archive extension/skin (generally per edit history)
      • add qualifier end time (P582) = the YYYY-MM-DD (same date as above) to instance of (P31) = MediaWiki extension (Q6805426)/MediaWiki skin (Q21996535)
  • Phabricator
    • Mark all Phabricator tasks for the extension/skin either Declined or Invalid. Add a comment pointing to this task when doing so for reference.
    • Archive Phabricator project <#ProjectX> for the extension/skin.
    • Edit Phabricator project <#ProjectX> description for the extension/skin with a link to this ticket.
    • If the extension is deployed on Wikimedia sites, but it is known that it's not going to receive significant feature updates or deployed to new wikis, make sure that its project ids (usually "ext-extensionname") appear in the groups/MediaWiki/WikimediaLegacyAgg.yaml file in the translatewiki Gerrit repository and not in WikimediaMainAgg.yaml, WikimediaAdvancedAgg.yaml, etc. (If it also has an api group, it should remain in WikimediaTechnicalAgg.yaml).
    • If the extension is no longer deployed on Wikimedia sites, remove it from all Wikimedia*Agg.yaml. (If it was ever deployed, by this time, it's most likely in WikimediaLegacyAgg.yaml or WikimediaTechnicalAgg.yaml.)
    • If the extension is going to be completely archived and no longer developed, remove it completely from by making sure that its project IDs don't appear in any of the following files:
  • Configuration/tests/integrations/etc.
  • Repositories
    • Empty repository, leaving only the README indicating the repo is archived, and referring to this task by URL.
    • Remove from mediawiki/extensions / mediawiki/skins (along with in .gitmodules).
    • Mark the repository read-only in Gerrit (also edit description to prepend "[ARCHIVED]" and a reference to this task, remove all access lists and reparent on All-Archived-Project): (provide Gerrit Repository URL).
    • Deactivate the Diffusion repository for the extension/skin: (rESBU).
    • Delete the GitHub mirror:

Event Timeline

Bugreporter renamed this task from Archive SemanticBundle (Gerrit repo only) to Archive or delete SemanticBundle (Gerrit repo only).May 30 2024, 1:20 PM

Change #1047207 had a related patch set uploaded (by Pppery; author: Pppery):

[integration/config@master] Zuul: [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticBundle] Mark as archived

Pppery removed Aklapper as the assignee of this task.
Pppery subscribed.

This should have used the standard Projects-Cleanup template, which includes more steps that were missed.

Pppery updated the task description. (Show Details)
Pppery renamed this task from Archive or delete SemanticBundle (Gerrit repo only) to Archive SemanticBundle extension from Gerrit as it is maintained in GitHub instead.Jun 19 2024, 1:11 AM
Pppery renamed this task from Archive SemanticBundle extension from Gerrit as it is maintained in GitHub instead to Archive SemanticBundle extension from Wikimedia Gerrit and related places as it is maintained in GitHub instead.
Pppery updated the task description. (Show Details)
Pppery updated the task description. (Show Details)

Change #1047209 had a related patch set uploaded (by Pppery; author: Pppery):

[translatewiki@master] Remove SemanticBundle gerrit repo

Change #1047209 merged by jenkins-bot:

[translatewiki@master] Remove SemanticBundle gerrit repo

Change #1047207 merged by jenkins-bot:

[integration/config@master] Zuul: [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticBundle] Mark as archived

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2024-06-20T18:44:37Z] <James_F> Zuul: [mediawiki/extensions/SemanticBundle] Mark as archived, for T366277

Change #1053257 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jforrester; author: Jforrester):

[mediawiki/extensions@master] Unregister SemanticBundle

Change #1053257 merged by Jforrester:

[mediawiki/extensions@master] Unregister SemanticBundle