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Related changes in the gerrit UI can no longer be opened in a new tab (due to AutoScroll browser extension)
Closed, InvalidPublic


Since the recent upgrade to gerrit 3.9 (thanks for doing it!), all the links in the "related changes" section can no longer be opened in a new tab, by either middle-clicking or ctrl-clicking them. For example, see change r1040191 which has a relation chain as well as changes with the same topic.

Note that the link can be opened in a new window via shift-clicking, and I can also right-click and choose to open the page in a new tab, but the former is not what I want, and the latter is inconvenient.

Event Timeline

Did you clear your browser cache? it works for me.

Ohhhhhhh I see. It seems to be caused by the AutoScroll extension I have installed. It's weird because it's the first time in a few years that I'm having this kind of issue. At any rate, it seems like I don't need that extension anymore nowadays, so I've disabled it and things are good.

Aklapper renamed this task from Related changes in the gerrit UI can no longer be opened in a new tab to Related changes in the gerrit UI can no longer be opened in a new tab (due to AutoScroll browser extension).Mon, Jun 10, 8:29 PM