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Failure to update the list of images included in a campaign
Open, HighPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to replicate the issue (include links if applicable):

  • Create your own campaign
  • Save the campaign

What happens?:

The set up of campaign should « run » and display a certain number of images on the campaign home page. The number of images stays at zero, with the « pending » images still visible. Waiting or reloading the page does not make a difference. The number of images stays at zero.
Editing the campaign, changing category and asking for image update does not make a difference.

This issue is not happening 100% of the time. It happens from time, like 95% of the time.
So we are accumulating « non working campaigns » as people give up using the tool when they can not create the initial campaign they want to work on

We tried different categories. Different depths. Waiting. Different campaigns. Sometimes it works; sometimes it does not. It seems more to be a failure to launch the updating system happening from time to time.

What should have happened instead?:

The campaign should update images included in the campaign.


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I went through and update the campaigns that were stuck, i.e. showing error or in progress in the web UI, using the maintenance script on the server. I went back a year and the campaigns updated are 323, 320, 314, 301, 296 and 294. It mostly went well. I had to re-run 294.

I haven't dug into the logs yet, but from what I've seen I think this is related to database issues, i.e. T318050 or similar. What could be done for the image updater is adding the ability to re-run when things fail, which would be useful even when the database works as it should.

@Anthere, when you say that it fails most of the time, over how long period of time did you attempt to update the campaign? Did you repeat immediately or did you wait minutes, hours or days in between?

@Sebastian_Berlin-WMSE I have tried most scenarios. Updating the page after 1 mn, after 5 mn, after 10 mn, several hours later, 3 days later, or even months later.
I also sometimes go back inside the campaign, change the categories, click the « update » button, try again.
I have not been able to identify a pattern.
Sometimes a test on a campaign will pass (images updated within 1 mn), Then later after changing the category will fail. Consistently. And after several changes will work again. No clear pattern unfortunately.

Thank you for relaunching the update of all failing campaigns. This bug is really a bummer :(