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Show confirmation after wish submission
Open, Needs TriagePublic


User story

After saving my wish, I should see a notification that it was saved successfully.

Acceptance criteria

  • A green success banner should be shown after a wish is created or edited according to designs.
  • The normal post-edit confirmation message should be suppressed. Not possible for the gadget


Derived Requirement

Ensure a confirmation message is shown after a user submits a wish, indicating successful submission.


Feature: Wish Submission Confirmation

Scenario: Show confirmation message after wish submission

Given the user has submitted a wish
When the wish is successfully saved
Then a green success banner should be shown with a link to view other wishes
Test Steps

Test Case 1: Show Confirmation Message After Wish Submission

  1. Open and navigate to the wish submission page.
  2. Submit a wish.

AC1: Confirm that a green success banner is displayed with a link to view other wishes.

QA Results - Wishlist-test.toolforge



Other Assignee
TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Show confirmation message after wish submissionrepos/commtech/wishlist-intake!106musikanimalpostEditmain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

This seems important so I'm working on it now. Even the normal edit confirmation currently isn't shown.

GMikesell-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
GMikesell-WMF updated Other Assignee, added: GMikesell-WMF.

@MusikAnimal Was I supposed to get a green banner after I created a wish? Nothing popped up for me as seen in the gif.

Test Result - Wishlist-test.toolforge

Status: ❌ FAIL
Environment: Wishlist-test.toolforge
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.5
Browser: Chrome 126
Device: MBA
Emulated Device: NA

Test Artifact(s):

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Show Confirmation Message After Wish Submission

  1. Open and navigate to the wish submission page.
  2. Submit a wish.

❌ AC1: Confirm that a green success banner is displayed with a link to view other wishes.

2024-06-26_16-02-28.mp4.gif (866×1 px, 1 MB)