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While creating a wish, the edit/view/etc tabs should not be visible
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT

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Wed, Jun 19, 5:34 AM
Referenced Files
F55543023: 2024-06-21_14-11-41.mp4.gif
Fri, Jun 21, 9:13 PM
F55543021: 2024-06-21_14-11-12.mp4.gif
Fri, Jun 21, 9:13 PM
F55501318: 2024-06-20_11-35-46.mp4.gif
Thu, Jun 20, 7:52 PM
F55501196: 2024-06-20_11-32-06.mp4.gif
Thu, Jun 20, 7:52 PM
F55501181: 2024-06-20_11-25-43.mp4.gif
Thu, Jun 20, 7:52 PM
F55501177: 2024-06-20_11-26-36.mp4.gif
Thu, Jun 20, 7:52 PM


While on the intake form at Community_Requests/Intake, the page tabs for editing, viewing history, adding to watchlist, etc. are all visible. They don't make sense to be shown at all because the intake form takes over the whole page and it's not necessary to be able to work with the page as a normal wiki page.

Acceptance criteria:

  • When a new wish is being created in the form, no page navigation/editing features should be visible.
  • When editing an existing wish, the features should be visible, as it does make sense to be able to switch to viewing history, editing source, etc.
  • The following skins should work correctly: Vector, Vector-2022, and Timeless. MinervaNeue isn't included.


The designs so far are all based only on Vector-2022, so there might be some Design input needed with regard to e.g. Vector where the tabs are above the page title and the search field is in the same area.


When a user is creating a new wish in the intake form, the page navigation and editing tabs should not be visible. These elements should be hidden to avoid confusion, but they should remain visible when editing an existing wish. This should apply to the Vector, Vector-2022, and Timeless skins.


Feature: Hide Navigation Tabs During Wish Creation

Scenario: Creating a new wish

Given I am on the wish intake form
When I am creating a new wish
Then the page navigation and editing tabs should not be visible

Scenario: Editing an existing wish

Given I am on the wish intake form
When I am editing an existing wish
Then the page navigation and editing tabs should be visible

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Hide navigation tabs during wish creation

  1. Navigate to the wish intake form.
  2. Start creating a new wish.

The following skins should work correctly: Vector, Vector-2022, and Timeless.

  1. AC1: Confirm the page navigation and editing tabs are not visible.

Test Case 2: Show navigation tabs during wish editing

  1. Navigate to the wish intake form.
  2. Start editing an existing wish.
  3. Start creating a new wish.

The following skins should work correctly: Vector, Vector-2022, and Timeless.

  1. AC2: Confirm the page navigation and editing tabs are visible.

QA Results - Wishlist-test.toolforge



Other Assignee
TitleReferenceAuthorSource BranchDest Branch
Fix edit-tab display for Monobook and solve eslint warningsrepos/commtech/wishlist-intake!87samwilsonhide-during-create-2main
Hide wiki-page links when creating a new wishrepos/commtech/wishlist-intake!86samwilsonhide-during-createmain
Customize query in GitLab

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

As this removes any navigation while creating a wish, I think the Cancel button should be added here as well, so that it's possible to open the new-wish form and then leave it again without submitting.

@Samwilson Vector skins have been tested and passed as seen in the gifs below but I could not do the Timeless skin since it's not installed yet in I will put it in the In Development column for now until the other skins are installed.

UPDATE: Timeless skin has now been tested

Test Result - Wishlist-test.toolforge

Status: ✅ PASS
Environment: Wishlist-test.toolforge
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.5
Browser: Chrome 126
Device: MBA
Emulated Device: NA

Test Artifact(s):

Test Steps

Test Case 1: Hide navigation tabs during wish creation

  1. Navigate to the wish intake form.
  2. Start creating a new wish.

✅ 3. AC1: Confirm the page navigation and editing tabs are not visible.
The following skins should work correctly: Vector, Vector-2022, and Timeless.

Vector 2022Vector 2010Timesless
2024-06-20_11-26-36.mp4.gif (502×1 px, 1 MB)
2024-06-20_11-25-43.mp4.gif (510×1 px, 998 KB)
2024-06-21_14-11-12.mp4.gif (500×1 px, 456 KB)

Test Case 2: Show navigation tabs during wish editing

  1. Navigate to the wish intake form.
  2. Start editing an existing wish.
  3. Start creating a new wish.

✅ 4. AC2: Confirm the page navigation and editing tabs are visible.
The following skins should work correctly: Vector, Vector-2022, and Timeless.

Vector 2022Vector 2010Timesless
2024-06-20_11-32-06.mp4.gif (500×1 px, 1 MB)
2024-06-20_11-35-46.mp4.gif (528×1 px, 3 MB)
2024-06-21_14-11-41.mp4.gif (492×1 px, 1 MB)