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Modify db-mysql to connect to an-redacteddb1001 from cumin hosts
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cumin hosts have a .my.cnf that is configured so we can access clouddb* host just reading it while using db-mysql:

user     = root
password = XXX

With an-redacteddb1001 we need to tell db-mysql to also read that entry.
@BTullis can you send a patch so that can be fixed, as otherwise an-redactddb1001 can not be accessed from cumin hosts with the current tooling, I believe is what we need to start changing - @Ladsgroup can you confirm?


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I believe is what we need to start changing - @Ladsgroup can you confirm?

Actually I think that file is not used anymore or only used in switchover and some other scripts. You need to change the scripts in wmfdb:

BTullis triaged this task as Medium priority.Wed, Jun 26, 10:27 AM

Thanks both. I have created a merge request here:

See if you think it's OK.