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Document the architecture of the Chart extension
Open, LowPublic3 Estimated Story Points


We should write an ADR (Architectural Decision Record) documenting the overall architecture of the Chart extension, and why we made those choices. This ADR could be a wiki page on, or a Markdown file in the extension repo.

  • Write an ADR (or multiple smaller ADRs) that documents the architecture of the Chart system, including:
    • The relationship between the extension and the CLI script
    • Why we chose shelling out over other approaches
    • The wikitext syntax and why we chose it (T368350)
    • How and where data is loaded, and why
    • How the graph SVG is delivered to the article (inlined vs loaded from a URL) and why

Event Timeline

I didn't make this a subtask of T368335: [Epic] Make and document key blocking decisions for the Charts project because I don't think this blocks starting implementation, but we should do this shortly after building the initial prototype.

LGoto triaged this task as Low priority.Mon, Jul 1, 5:57 PM
LGoto set the point value for this task to 3.
LGoto moved this task from Needs Triage to Estimated on the Charts board.