Keren discovered a lot of interesting insights can be gleaned from the logs in particular regarding the age of the instance and overall activity.
my assumption is that every single data point and edit comes with a log entry and thus storing the complete raw data wouldn't be feasible. the following solution is based on that assumption. please correct me if I'm misunderstanding this.
gather interesting insights from the logs of instances
Acceptance criteria
- generate an age of instance metric based on the first log date
- capture the first X log entries and analyze for:
a) ratio of new content to edits
b) ratio of human edits to bot edits
- capture the most recent X log entries and analyze for:
a) ratio of new content to edits
b) ratio of human edits to bot edits
c) most recent bot activity by date
d) most recent human activity by date
- note any other interesting meta data available in the logs in comments on this ticket for consideration as potential inclusions
X = whatever a reasonable number is re storing this data. thinking something like 25 to 100 as a gut check. ideally enough to have some statistical relevance.