Caused some issues with the automatic branch cut today in for T366965: 1.43.0-wmf.20 deployment blockers (see T366965#10095192):
@hashar wrote:
The branches were cut last night but not pushed to Gerrit due to a change made in the cut script: . That renamed an environment variable which as a result was no more recognized by the branching script. That change got rolled back and the release Jenkins has been redeployed. I have left a comment on that commit:
If we instead use the standard NETRC environment variable name, the file should be picked up by Python's requests library
That is a nice assumption, but git does not use requests. It uses libcurl with optional support for a .netrc in the user file. The automatic branch script at does:
def setup_netrc(): netrc_file = os.getenv("netrc_file") if netrc_file: netrc_dir = os.path.dirname(netrc_file) os.environ["HOME"]= netrc_dir os.symlink(netrc_file, os.path.join(netrc_dir, ".netrc")) else: print("netrc_file environment variable not set. Will not be able to push the branch cut commit")
So essentially we require netrc_file to be set and then symlink that to ~/.netrc which is then found by git / libcurl.
Filing this so we have somewhere to track/talk.
If we want to update the environment variable, we'll need to update both release/make-release and in our branch cut job.