The Incident Reporting System is introducing a reporting flow for non-Emergency Unacceptable Behaviour/User Conduct issues. Through this flow we are directing the users experiencing unacceptable behaviour incidents to connect with the local community and follow the local processes in order to get help with their issue. We are proposing that the local communities provide the information needed via the community configuration extension.
User Story 1
As a TSP team member I want to allow the local community to update themselves the information around incident resolution according to the local community process
User Story 2
As a community member I want to ensure the information about incident resolution that is shared to users via the IRS is accurate and corresponds to the current local processes.
User Story 3
As a user of community configuration I want to easily understand how to use it so that I can add the information I need to IRS.
Acceptance Criteria
- You can configure which namespaces we enable the report incident tool for (using ReportIncidentEnabledNamespaces)