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tofu-infra: add support for DNS zones created by wmfkeystonehook
Open, MediumPublic


Traditionally, when a project is created, in wmfkeystone hook we create a number of DNS zones for that new project. These zones are considered part of the basic 'Cloud VPS' service offering. This is per our DNS policy at

For example, in eqiad1:

  • <project>
  • <project>
  • svc.<project>

We could instead create and track the zones using tofu-infra, along with the core DNS records (NS, MX, etc), leaving the rest of the records outside of tofu-infra for local project admins to manage in whatever way they want.

Event Timeline

aborrero renamed this task from tofu-infra: add zone templating support to replace wmfkeystonehook to tofu-infra: add support for DNS zones created by wmfkeystonehook.Oct 1 2024, 8:53 AM
aborrero created this task.
aborrero triaged this task as Medium priority.Oct 1 2024, 9:50 AM

Turns out, we cannot avoid with opentofu the DNS zone transfer dancing required when creating a subdomain of a zone declared in another project (which happens with the svc.<project>.<deploy> subdomain, given <deploy> belongs to cloudinfra.
