After the migration of the airflow-analytics-test instance webserver to kubernetes, we are ready to begin the migration of the remaining airflow instance webservers to kubernetes following the guide on
allow ingress traffic to the airflow instances coming from the DSE_KUBEPODS subnet
- Create the k8s namespaces
- Create the k8s user kubeconfigs
- Create the public subdomains
- Create the OIDC/CAS configuration
- create aiflow-wmde-ops ldap group
- create admin_ng relevant config (in progress)
- deploy admin_ng
- Defining the webserver configuration (in progress)
- Deploy the application
- modify modules/profile/manifests/airflow.pp to support an optional secret secret_key and populate the webserver.secret_key config with it if found
- add the secret key already found in /etc/helmfile-defaults/private/dse-k8s_services/airflow-analytics-test/dse-k8s-eqiad.yaml on the deployment secret to /srv/git/private/hieradata
- Enable ATS traffic redirection and caching