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Feedback link on article pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This feature enables users to access the feedback page from article pages.

See feature requirements page: (excerpted below)

This type of feature has been requested by a number of community editors. They are looking for a quick way to access the feedback page from the article page, without having to go through the circuitous route of first clicking on the talk page, finding the link to the feedback page, then clicking on it to see feedback about the article. Our team would prefer a prominent placement like a 'Feedback' tab, but we will need significant community support to implement this feature. For now, we need a way to make the feedback page discoverable on the article pages, even if it's very discrete.

The easiest way to accomplish this with limited resources is to add a link in the Toolbox on the left sidebar. While this is a very low traffic area, it will give us a first touchpoint that people in the know can use on the article page, until we get buy-in for more prominent placement.

This link will be shown at all times to all readers and editors, if possible:

View feedback

This would be shown as the last item in the toolbox, right below 'Improve this page'. That next-to-last link will be renamed to 'Add your feedback' (instead of 'Improve this page', which is unclear); this link lets you post feedback, scrolling down to the bottom of the article and highlighting the feedback form.

Clicking on 'View feedback' will take you to the feedback page.

Version: unspecified
Severity: major



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