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The scripts of some gadgets are not added to their Resource Loader modules on Portuguese Wikipedia ( is "empty")
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I've created two pages with exactly the same code:

and defined one gadget in each project, both with the same definition:

  • EnhancedSearchCore[ResourceLoader|rights=oculto]|EnhancedSearch.js/Core.js

The one at ptwikibooks correctly generates a module "ext.gadget.EnhancedSearchCore":

but the one on ptwiki is "empty":

More precisely, it contains only this code:


/* cache key: ptwiki:resourceloader:filter:minify-js:7:afdac18b7c74164d7ddfb2546d8b3023 */

and as such it does nothing when we try to load it with mw.loader.load as a (minified) module:

Why mw.loader.load gets an empty module on ptwiki?

Here are some extra examples:

  • works:

  • do not works:

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 12:56 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz40288.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Creating a test at
with the code
and defining a gadget with either of these lines

  • RL-test[ResourceLoader|rights=hidden]|RL-test.js
  • RL-test[ResourceLoader|rights=oculto]|RL-test.js


I was able to load the module correctly using
and I saw "123" on Google Chrome's console. Also, the console.log comment appears at
as expected.

But mw.loader.load('ext.gadget.EnhancedSearchCore'); do not work (it should add some checkboxes at [[pt:Special:Search]], as it does when executed on ptwikibooks's search page), since the code is not here:
but is here:

I've purged them. Seems fine now. Not sure why it looked empty. In debug mode it was also fine.

Appears to be a caching issue. Perhaps you created the definition entry before the javascript page, and so the empty (non existent) page got into cache?

As you can check at
at first some existing JavaScript pages were moved

  • MediaWiki:Gadget-Nova-esplanada.js --> MediaWiki:Gadget-NewVillagePump.js/Core.jsjs --> MediaWiki:Gadget-NewVillagePump.js/Core.js
  • MediaWiki:Gadget-SVGPNG.js --> MediaWiki:Gadget-SVGPNG.js/Core.js

Only after this the definition was changed:
(this was the first time we had gadgets with names "NewVillagePumpCore", "EnhancedSearchCore" and "SVGPNGCore" respectively).
Then the last script was renamed:

  • MediaWiki:Gadget-BuscaAprimorada.js --> MediaWiki:Gadget-EnhancedSearch.js/Core.js

The modules corresponding to the three gadgets were "empty", but two of them had their JS pages created /before/ the edit to its definition, and the other one was created /after/ being defined. Is this sufficient to discard the "defined before created" hypothesis?

Right now the other two modules which we renamed are still empty:

  1. ----


/* cache key: ptwiki:resourceloader:filter:minify-js:7:1d3a5dc1bab123e9cf7227f2ddfc35c9 */

  1. ----


/* cache key: ptwiki:resourceloader:filter:minify-js:7:346ff6bd2ceb3628d57f92830f57b620 */

(In reply to comment #2)

I've purged them. Seems fine now. Not sure why it looked empty. In debug mode
it was also fine.

The module you'd purged when you edited the JS page[1] is empty again[2]!!!
(we didn't touch it this time...)


I think ResourceLoader is crazy. It returns random content at
Some times the code of the gadget is replaced by "function(){;}" and if I keep reloading that page 50% of the time the code is there and the other 50% it is not (whithout editing any other related pages)

The same randomness happens after I did a small edit on this one:

The content of

keeps alternating between

mw.loader.implement("ext.gadget.SVGPNGCore",function(){(function($,mw){'use strict';function SVGThumbs(){var thumbu,svgAltSize,p,l,i,info,file=document.getElementById('file'),i18n={'en':'This image rendered as PNG in other sizes: ','pt':'Esta imagem pode ser renderizada em PNG em outros tamanhos: '};if(!file){return;}i18n['en-gb']=i18n.en;i18n['pt-br'];mw.messages.set({'svg-thumbs-desc':i18n[mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')]||i18n.en});thumbu=file.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0].getAttribute('src');if(!thumbu){return;}svgAltSize=function(w,title){var path=thumbu.replace(/\/\d+(px-[^\/]+$)/,'/'+w+'$1'),a=document.createElement('A');a.setAttribute('href',path);a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(title));return a;};p=document.createElement('p');p.className='SVGThumbs';p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(mw.msg('svg-thumbs-desc')));l=[200,500,1000,2000];for(i=0;i<l.length;i++){p.appendChild(svgAltSize(l[i],l[i]+'px'));if(i<l.length-1){p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(', '));

/* cache key: ptwiki:resourceloader:filter:minify-js:7:1421d720ab6b220bea3b870ec442b54c */



/* cache key: ptwiki:resourceloader:filter:minify-js:7:1d3a5dc1bab123e9cf7227f2ddfc35c9 */

The module of the other gadget mentioned just keeps empty, even after a small edit like this:
and various reloads (+-20).

On the other hand, when I added "&BUG40288=CONFIRMED" to the URL, the code appeared:

I suspect this is because the JS page has a slash in its name, and the part after the slash isn't a language code. This should be fixed with the cleanup I committed a few weeks ago; this commit is in 1.21wmf2, so it will be rolled out to ptwiki on Wednesday. If the issue persists after Wednesday's deployment, please report back here and I'll investigate.

mybugs.mail: Is this still a problem on ptwiki? (See comment 9.)

It seems to be working. Closing for now.