Author: zigger
loadFromDatabase() in User.php seems to apply '*' and 'user' group rights to
logged-in users.
This would mean that there are redundant assignments in the default
$wgGroupPermissions in DefaultSettings.php for the 'user' group ('read') and the
'sysop' group ('createaccount', 'move', 'upload').
$wgAvailableRights includes an 'undelete' right which is not needed as
SpecialUndelete.php is registered to use the 'delete' right as the restriction.
The deprecated isBureaucrat() (for cross-version extensions?) in User.php checks
the right 'makesysop' which does not exist in $wgAvailableRights or the default
The message 'makesysop' also seems to be redundant in the language files.
Also, some Special pages have checks on the relevant right (e.g.
SpecialLockdb.php, SpecialBlockip.php), but other do not (e.g.
SpecialUndelete.php, SpecialUserrights.php).
SpecialGroups.php still seems to exist in CVS but is not currently used, and
$wgAvailableRights still includes 'grouprights'.
Version: 1.5.x
Severity: trivial