Observed on translatewiki.net. Steps to reproduce unknown.
[07-Jan-2013 14:28:46 UTC] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to SMGeoCoordsValue::getFormattedCoord() must be an instance of SMWDIGeoCoord, array given, called in /www/translatewiki.net/w/extensions/SemanticMaps/includes/SM_GeoCoordsValue.php on line 284 and defined in /www/translatewiki.net/w/extensions/SemanticMaps/includes/SM_GeoCoordsValue.php on line 54
MediaWiki 1.21alpha (7c7b6bc)
Semantic Maps (Version 3.0 alpha) (48f6951)
Maps (Version 3.0 alpha) (fb6fc79)
Version: master
Severity: normal