All Wikivoyage languages currently require the CC-BY-SA/GFDL dual-licensing grant. WMF legal advises that since Wikivoyage incorporates a lot of CC-BY-SA-only material, it would be cleaner to avoid the GFDL dual-licensing. This does not conflict with importing content back into Wikipedia, as importing CC-BY-SA-only content is explicitly permitted under the Terms of Use.
This version of the copyright warning has been vetted by legal:
To consistently implement it across Wikivoyage licenses while leaving other projects unaffected, we may want to add a new wikivoyage-copyrightwarning message to WikimediaMessages and ensure it only gets rendered in place of wikimedia-copyrightwarning on Wikivoyage sites.
Unless legal advises differently, I will leave this as low priority for now since the GFDL grant doesn't seem to be actively harmful (even if it is invalid in many cases).
Version: master
Severity: normal