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Ask queries return deleted pages
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: alj62888

This is a problem via the API as well as on property pages. But, the biggest problem is when using the API. Ask queries should not include deleted pages in their results.

Semantic Bundle (Version 1.8alpha)

Version: REL1_20-branch
Severity: major
OS: Linux
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:31 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz46729.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Quite possible the deletion is not handled properly in the alpha. Please use the 1.8 release.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 18406 ***

alj62888 wrote:


I'm not so sure this is a duplicate of 18406. Results include result objects that where deleted, not that contain properties whose value pages were deleted. If ALL properties pointing to the deleted page are also removed, along with the page itself, the page is still returned in the query results. In other words, if I deleted every page in my wiki, I would still get results.

Furthermore, the suggestion in that bug to query on Modification date to exclude deleted page objects definitely does not work.

There is also an inconsistency regarding this:

If Page Foo has been deleted, the query


returns no results! Correct!

But, a query on some property that Foo used to have:

[[Modification date::+]]

WILL return Foo.

I can't imagine this ever being expected behavior. Deleted pages should not be returned ever for any reason and I am lost as to how one is expected to deal with results that are questionable... do another query on each result to see if it actually still exists??? Seriously...

Please fix or provide a reasonable and practical workaround.

alj62888 wrote:

I see from the other bug that there are some design issues. I can sympathize, but this issue is something any developer is going to hate to discover late in the game without prior warning. Is there any way we can get a workaround, or might I suggest setting the Modification date to null, or a new "deleted date" property to check? Anything?


Al, I think this bug needs a more detailed description. From the original post, it was just a duplicate of Bug 18406. With your new description, this is no longer possible, so I am reopening this bug as not being a duplicate.

I know of no issue that could lead to pages being returned in queries that require that presence of properties which have been deleted (or never existed). Jeroen's comment indicates that it might be due to a problem that has now been solved (if property deletion is broken, this would also fit your description). But if this is the case, then it seems we can just close this bug as fixed. If the bug still exists, then we need more details to found out how to reproduce it (which steps do you take?).

alj62888 wrote:

Hi Markus,

Have I mentioned lately how awesome the SMW project is??? Indeed it is! Now, maybe you'll forgive me when I say that I found the problem and this is not a bug 8*) I had set the $wgCapitalLinks from false to true and evidently the old links to pages couldn't be deleted because you couldn't access the page under the old name, which made it look like the page didn't exist anymore... but it really did! So, it turned out the bug was me. This bug will self-squash in 2 seconds.