The in-progress new signup form ( moves image CAPTCHAs and uses an alternate message. This can be confusing for ones that are not simply spelling a word (like FancyCaptcha).
For instance, both SimpleCaptcha (built-in that can be extended but should not be used directly) and MathCaptcha (uses images of sipmle math equations) use MediaWiki:captcha-createaccount, which defaults to:
'To protect the wiki against automated account creation, we kindly ask you to solve the simple sum below and enter the answer in the box ([[Special:Captcha/help|more info]]):'
The JavaScript removes that and shows an alternate message MediaWiki:createacct-imgcaptcha-ph, which is currently:
'Enter the text you see above'
This is confusing because you have to do the math, not just copy the equation.
Perhaps we should have a class that allows a CAPTCHA (such as FancyCaptcha) to mark that it works by copying text. This would also make this rearrangement opt-in for each CAPTCHA (Fancy, ReCAPTCHA, etc.)
Version: 1.22.0
Severity: normal