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subst templates are not properly handled in talkpage notifications
Closed, ResolvedPublic


"Yesterday, I left {{Subst:Welcome to Wikipedia}} on the talk page of a person I was training, When I saw them looking at the notification, it said I had said "{{Welcome to Wikipedia}}". Not the most user-friendly message; and will be less so for user warning templates and others with obscure names or shortcuts."

Version: master
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 1:35 AM
bzimport added a project: Notifications.
bzimport set Reference to bz48044.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

This seems to be another case of Echo not handling markup in section headings or edit summaries.

Question(for other devs) regarding this bug, Is the bug that 1) the template value is stored in the revision comment rather than the updated content, or is the bug 2) that Echo isn't parsing out the wikitext in the revision comment? I'm leaning twords option 2 but dont have enough knowledge in the matter to be certain.

Derk: Can you give steps to reproduce? I'm not sure I understand the bug. Talk page post notifications don't include the contents of the post. It would be very strange to put "{{Subst:Welcome to Wikipedia}}" in the edit summary, and I'm not even sure what should be the correct behavior in that case.

This happens when you create a new page only, something in mediawiki takes the contents of the new page and puts it into the revision comment

As far as I can tell, the edit summary we are showing is the same as the edit summary displayed everywhere else when creating a new page:

Created page with "{{Subst:Welcome to Wikipedia}}"

So I don't think this is an Echo bug. It sounds more like a core enhancement request.

Unless anyone has a suggestion for how this should be handled differently, I'm probably going to resolve as Invalid.

This is probably a duplicate of bug 33765.

Yeah, this is the same issue as 33765. The behavior here is not specific to Echo.

  • This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 33765 ***