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VisualEditor: Enter 2 times, Backspace 2 times -> not deleted in Firefox
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Put the cursor somewhere in the text.
Type "Enter" 2 times.
Type "Backspace" 2 times.

Expected: as original
Actually: The newlines remain

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

orbit wrote:

I'm not able to reproduce this one either. I experience other problems relating to Enter and Backspace on Firefox (fixed in Master) but not what you've described. I'm going to close this ticket, but please reopen if you have additional information.

I just tried, it is a worse problem now, text is lost.

When will the master fixes be deployed?
The situation is now horrible in production, with so many bugs that I am wondering whether it is even worth reporting them...

Browser information highly welcome. Reopening for the time being.

Just reproduced on Firefox 21.0 / fresh install of Ubuntu Linux 2013.04
Nothing special appears in the web console.