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input fields with type=number get thousands separator in Safari 5.1
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screenshot of the year field in contributions

This is a known upstream issue in Safari (specifically 5.1.x) and some versions of Chrome.

Not sure if it warrants workarounds at our side.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal

attachment GrutContribQuery.png ignored as obsolete



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:22 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz48692.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Current versions of Safari (6.0.4) and Chrome (26.0.1410.65) do not exhibit this bug.

On the buggy version, does the comma end up in the submitted value or is it a display issue only? If a display issue only I wouldn't bother; it'll only affect people running a previous version of Mac OS X or failing to install updates.

I tested with url

  • HTML

<input type=number value=5000>

  • JS

$('input').on('change blur click', function () {



In Chrome 26, type=number is supported and displayed and submitted without any separators.

In Safari 4.0 (Mac OS X Snow Leopard, BrowserStack), input=number is not supported and is treated like a regular text input.

In Safari 5.0 (Mac OS X Snow Leopard, BrowserStack), input=number is supported and is displayed and submitted without any separators.

In Safari 5.1 (Mac OS X Snow Leopard, BrowserStack), input=number is supported and is displayed with separators and submitted without any separators.

Created attachment 12367
Screenshot of Safari 5.1


Screen_Shot_2013-05-21_at_11.10.58_PM.png (286×692 px, 55 KB)