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poem doesn't work nicely with SyntaxHighlight GeSHi
Open, MediumPublic


Author: slboat

if use SyntaxHighlight GeSHi in the poem tag inside,it's will break,but it's only for the first geshi tag,in the second tag seems be okay,it's very wired.

a piuture is like this:

a example:

<poem><source lang="php">function wfPoemExtension( &$parser ) {
$parser->setHook( 'poem', 'wfRenderPoemTag' );
return true;

it will shows:
function wfPoemExtension( &$parser ) {UNIQ68d4ac7c4ed2499e-item-2--QINU
$parser->setHook( 'poem', 'wfRenderPoemTag' );UNIQ68d4ac7c4ed2499e-item-2--QINU
return true;UNIQ68d4ac7c4ed2499e-item-2--QINU

Version: unspecified
Severity: minor

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 22 2014, 1:55 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz49256.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

slboat wrote:

maybe we can use a way to escape the poem...but seems it workout by mediawiki self.

Confirmed, see [[testwiki:Bug 49256]].

Marking minor, since I don't know why anyone would want to put source code inside a <poem> tag.

Change 289884 had a related patch set uploaded (by Chad):
SECURITY: Replace strip markers before syntax highlighting

Change 289885 had a related patch set uploaded (by Chad):
SECURITY: Replace strip markers before syntax highlighting

Change 289884 merged by jenkins-bot:
SECURITY: Replace strip markers before syntax highlighting

Change 289885 merged by jenkins-bot:
SECURITY: Replace strip markers before syntax highlighting