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hi please could you re add wmfLoadInitialiseSettings this in 1.22 in was remove in one of the 1.22 wmf builds but it is used by centralauth and wikimediaicubator extension and it is used by many more extension so please bring it back to 1.22

Version: 1.22.0
Severity: critical



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 1:54 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz50473.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

What do you mean? Re-add what where? It wouldn't be in core and it's still in CommonSettings.php

Initialise wgConf

wfProfileIn( "$fname-wgConf" );
require( "$wmfConfigDir/wgConf.php" );
function wmfLoadInitialiseSettings( $conf ) {
global $wmfConfigDir;
require( "$wmfConfigDir/InitialiseSettings.php" );
wfProfileOut( "$fname-wgConf" );

wmfLoadInitialiseSettings isn't anywhere in CentralAuth or the WikimediaIncubator extension

this wmfLoadInitialiseSettings it was removed in mediawiki 1.22

how can I add wmfLoadInitialiseSettings this to mediawiki because I have localsettings.php but not commonsettings.php

it says this error with extension:wikimediaincibator

Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'wmfLoadInitialiseSettings' not found or invalid function name in /home/wikisau/public_html/incubator/includes/SiteConfiguration.php on line 595

and centralauth

(In reply to comment #2)

this wmfLoadInitialiseSettings it was removed in mediawiki 1.22

No it wasn't and it never was.

You're obviously just copying

$wgConf->fullLoadCallback = 'wmfLoadInitialiseSettings';

paladox2015: Please ask on first, before creating tickets in . Thanks.

hi it says it here

$wgConf->wikis = $wgLocalDatabases;
$wgConf->suffixes = array(


); We have the same suffix of wiki
all databases have suffix wiki
$wgConf->suffixes = $wgLocalDatabases;

$wgConf->localVHosts = array( 'localhost' ); your database server. could be or IP address. no http:

$wgConf->fullLoadCallback = 'wmfLoadInitialiseSettings';

$wgConf->siteParamsCallback = 'efGetSiteParams';
$wgConf->extractAllGlobals( $wgDBname );

This can be closed in now works in later version.

(This ticket was already closed on June 30 hence no need to add such comments.)