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SMW and Cite conflicting
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: dasch

I found that using Cite with SMW together may lead to interal error described in bug 42637.
After deactivating SMW the page worked.

My comment on bug 42637

I tried to build a minimal test, but it's hard to find why and when this error
happens with cite. I somehow think that this often happens in connection with
SemanticMediaWiki (on my wiki). But this doesn't seem to be the only case when
it happens.
After deactivating SemanticMediaWiki and all connected Extensions one example
that threw an error worked again.
I'll report this as a SemanticMediaWiki Bug.

Version: master
Severity: major



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to High.Nov 22 2014, 2:01 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz50573.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).
Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Jul 2 2013, 12:19 PM

Changing priority.

This bug does not contain any information about the symptoms that would indicate that SMW is the problem and while looking at bug 42637, the stack trace also doesn't show any SMW object being involved or having any interaction that would allow to draw a conclusion about Cite and SMW.

I'm leaning towards closing this bug unless it is clear what is causing the bug, some evidence that SMW is interacting in way it shouldn't, or a test that would allow to reproduce the error.

Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Jul 8 2013, 4:57 PM

Closing this bug.

Feel free to open this bug again together with a testable scenario that would allow to conclude that SMW is interfering (where, when and how) with the Cite extension.

dasch wrote:

The problem is, that it's really hard to create a testcase.
As I said after disabling SMW the page that showed the stack trace shown in bug 42637 disapeared.
A page that worked after editing doesn't show the error when displaying the older version.
But I'm SURE that the error does only happen when using SMW!

Some kind of testcase is here. Compare this to pages

There are NO CHANGES to ref and only inside the template which parses the params into properties.


Unknown Object (User) added a comment.Jul 8 2013, 6:23 PM

(In reply to comment #3)


This is not question of trust rather a question of verifiability and testability because without any clear evidence of what, where and how something is causing an issue there is no way of pinpointing nor diagnosing the issue.

Maybe someone else has sufficient information to clarify the issue but I for one will release myself from this bug.

dasch wrote:

I think this should show, that this is an SMW problem and that this needs a fix!
And this does not only happen with Cite but also with gallery.

BTW: If somebody doesn't see it. It happens when a value misses or is not filled correctly.

Aklapper subscribed.

The Semantic MediaWiki developers requested in to move their task tracking to and to close remaining tasks in Wikimedia Phabricator. If you still face the problem reported in this task in a supported version of SMW, please feel free to transfer your report to . We are sorry for the inconvenience.