Author: molly.white5
It appears that maybe the JSON validation doesn't recurse into the child nodes of the sections property.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
Author: molly.white5
It appears that maybe the JSON validation doesn't recurse into the child nodes of the sections property.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
You should poke Ori-l about this, IIRC it was an intentional design decision (assuming you're using JsonSchema.php)
Change 80308 had a related patch set uploaded by Mollywhite:
Bug 51062: Update schema so additional properties aren't allowed.
Change 80308 merged by Mollywhite:
Bug 51062: Update schema so additional properties aren't allowed.
molly.white5 wrote:
It turns out that this was happening because I needed
"additionalProperties": false
_within_ the sections array of the schema.