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Relating tech contributors with countries
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Currently we have no way to map tech contributors to their geographical locations. This is useful to know where in the World there is a higher density of contributors. This is also potentially useful for contributors to find who is nearby.

Without this data we can't assess properly who contributes code:

So far we have published a form to allow contributors to introduce their data:

What needs to be done is to integrate that data at and
document the process to update the data.

Not in the scope of this report: come up with a way to allow contributors to
manage this data directly through their user profiles.

Not in the current scope either: we are starting with countries but it would be good to think of a more precise way to define locations. Contributors of Vancouver (Canada) and Seattle (USA) can meet easily, but currently they will be separate and grouped together with contributors of e.g. Montréal (Canada) and New York (USA), thousands of miles away.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
See Also:



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 2:28 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz55626.

The countries report will be pretty similar to orgs report. Once we have the data, it should be pretty direct to have this report done.

(In reply to comment #2)

I would love to enter coordinates! We want to gather location data to find areas with proximity and density of developers, not to see which country wins. :) See comment 0. However, Alvaro will tell us what is possible now.

A first version is available at

In order to resolve this report as FIXED we have two remaining tasks:

  • Add the "Unknown", that is, the data from the contributors that haven't identified their location

The rest are little details that we can solve by editing the HTML of the page ourselves. Thank you!

(In reply to comment #4)

A first version is available at

In order to resolve this report as FIXED we have two remaining tasks:

  • Add the "Unknown", that is, the data from the contributors that haven't

identified their location

Added to:

Great! As agreed, the remaining points of this report are not blocker of bug 58585 anymore. We will work on them whenever there is time.

Grrr, I meant: this is not a dependency of bug 53485 anymore.

In a second look I have realized that the graphs at count reviews. I think it
would make more sense that they would count authors.

I mean, when it comes to organizations it does make sense to see which
organization is funding how much work, and it is good to count that work in
reviews. However, our interest in the location of contributors is based on the
people, less on the amount of reviews.

In the case of our community it is clear that most reviews come from USA and
Germany (when the devs fills their data) because this is where most WMF and
WMDE (professional, full time) developers are located. Still, if there are a
dozen of developers with just a bunch of commits in some other country we
definitely want to know. In this case, 10 developers with 5 merged commits each
has more relevance than a single developer with 50 commits.

Conclusion: it would be good to have the data based on authors. If you want to
keep the current graphs that is fine too.

When it comes to ,
we will swap "Submitted per country (aggregated)" for the graph by people as
soon as it is available. But this is not a blocker for the KPI anymore, as

After a second discussion, would need to show graphs of *reviewers* by country, because the graphs of *uploaders* already appear in

Declining myself. I don't think there is much point in polishing details about metrics by country before having solved T60585: Allow contributors to update their own details in tech metrics directly, and we don't have any plans for that...