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!add-labs-user gone, fix or add docs to link SVN users to labs/wikitech
Closed, ResolvedPublic


this is about existing SVN users from the past who are in LDAP but can't use wikitech, because they need to be linked to labs.

example: please link user "jayvdb" (is in LDAP, UID 1130, exists since SVN), now wants to use Labs, to wikitech, so he can use it says:

" If you currently have SVN access, then you have an account, but need to have it linked to Labs (how-to for admins: !add-labs-user). "

my bug report is that this "!adds-labs-user" command seems to be gone.


  • fix the bot trigger and/or
  • add the docs for admins how to do this to the wiki page directly and
  • link user "jayvdb" to labs as in "need to be linked to labs"

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:15 AM
bzimport added a project: Cloud-VPS.
bzimport set Reference to bz64596.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

See also Bug 63028 - Inconsistent GID number (500 or 550)

In this case I think jayvdb GID should be changed in LDAP from 550 (prod: wikidev labs: svn) to 550 (prod: svn labs: wikidev)

I dug the old docs out of wikitech history and updated them to work on virt1000:

Probably shouldn't close this bug, though, until at least one ex-svn user confirms that this process worked for them.

jayvdb, if you have a wikitech account already, can you please tell me your on-wiki name? Or if you don't have one, just your preferred name?

I dont have a wikitech wiki user. My username on wmf wikis is 'John Vandenberg'. Email is per bugzilla account. Preferred ldap account name is jayvdb (as it was on svn). Thx

OK, you should be all set. You'll need to do a password reset on wikitech and then upload keys to gerrit &c. Let me know if you run in to any trouble.


Made it through to uploading patches into Gerrit, which is good enough to close this I think. Thx