Author: metatron
Pageviews dumps dried out. Last dump provided: pagecounts-20140530-150000
Version: unspecified
Severity: major
Whiteboard: c=General/Unknown p=0 s=2014-05-29
Author: metatron
Pageviews dumps dried out. Last dump provided: pagecounts-20140530-150000
Version: unspecified
Severity: major
Whiteboard: c=General/Unknown p=0 s=2014-05-29
metatron: Please provide a URL to reproduce / see the problem.
I assume this is some page somewhere on
The files are still there on gadolinium, so it looks like we're not loosing data,
but "only" copying the data files around is failing.
Change 136735 had a related patch set uploaded by QChris:
Provide default shell to datasets user
Change 136735 abandoned by QChris:
Provide default shell to datasets user
Beaten by Change 136734
It seems Ops' cleanup around accounts reset the datasets user's shell,
so rsync failed. Apergos set rsync's shell again in
. That should fix the issue upon the next cron run and bring the missing
files over.
I'll report back when that happened.