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Search button for Google toolbar
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Author: jasonspiro4

Google Toolbar 4.0 is currently in beta, and will eventually be released. I am
not sure, but I believe Google uses a push mechanism to silently push an upgrade
out to all Google Toolbar users when a new version comes out.

It would provide us with many new users if we had a Google Toolbar button - who
knows, we might become a button included by default with the toolbar - but we
don't have a Google Toolbar button. See . They're easy to create,
see and .

We should also add a drop-down RSS feed; many Google toolbar buttons have one. I
suggest "Did you know?" because it changes much more often than the front-page
featured article yet shows pretty high quality articles on average. Therefore, I
am marking this as depending on bug 4818, "RSS feed for [[Template:Did you know]]".

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
Platform: PC



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Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 9:04 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz4819.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

jasonspiro4 wrote:

Wikipedia search button for Google Toolbar

BlinkBits's "Wikifeeds" feature seems to have appeared. They provide this
feature already. See and
scroll down to Wikifeeds.

Their i18n isn't bad. While the button is being installed you are asked: "Enter
a two-letter language code. English - en, Spanish - es, German - de, [snip]"

But the actual search results are pretty bad. They provide full-text search,
which is good. But they only let you see a "preview" version of the article,
which means that all internal links have been removed.

I have come up with a button we can use with no featured-articles RSS feed
behind it (attached). Why don't we use that for now? That way we'll have a head
start on staying at the top of the "Most Popular Buttons" list. (The sooner we
make that list, the more popular our button will be, and the higher on the list
we'll end up being.)


jasonspiro4 wrote:

(To submit the button to Google, all we have to do is host the XML file on one
of our servers and then fill in the form.)

jasonspiro4 wrote:

Someone has already kindly created a Wikipedia button, which you can find from but it seems it is only
accessible if you search for it. It is not visible from the "Reference" button

As well, it is not marked as "official" so even if it were categorized it would
be right at the bottom of the list.

We should make a button marked we claim as "official" (I assume doesn't have to
be official, there just has to be a copy of it up at Bugzilla, that's all) with
an RSS feed for "Did you know?" or "Featured articles" behind it.

Wikinews has a button (but its not in a gallery) at
[[meta:Wikinews/Google_button]] (linky at [[n:WN:RSS]]). I don't know if it
might be useful in creating the wikipedia button.

Component: General/Unknown -> Extension requests

jasonspiro4 wrote:

Some people already designed some Wikipedia and all-Wikimedia-wikis search buttons for the Google toolbar.


So I am marking this feature request as FIXED.