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Google search links to Wikipedia app still when it was uninstalled
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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:32 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz68275.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

See question on Google productforums, too (URL).

(Moving status to confirmed, but maybe it's not a problem by Wikipedia App)

Why use links of OTRS in bugzilla? Not everyone can visit it..

Because otherwise it's a massive pain to keep track of what bugzilla reports are based on what user feedback and vice versa.

Understood that. My point is we should at least have some plain text description other than internal links to make everything clear and easy to search for others. I almost wrote a new bug about this particular problem since the title din't say too much.

Back to the topic, could anyone provide other app(s) which is also using google's new App Indexing (deep linking) so we can see if it has the same problem? I tried "Opentable" which is the official example on , but it doesn't even give deeplink in google searching for me in the first place..

Updates the title. The problem is (i have tested it and verified), that the user becomes deep links in Google search, when he installed the Wikipedia App from Google Play. If he uninstall the app, the deep links are still there and links to Google Play search pname:org.wikipedia to install the app. That's not really good, the user wants to uninstall the app, so he wants to go to (or another language) from Google search, not have to click a little link "open on :)

Hope that makes much more understandable for all.

I don't know if there's anything we can do to fix this - seems completely a thing on Google's side. I think with deeplinking 'open in app' exists even if you've never installed the app.

exists even if you've never installed the app

@Yuvi Panda: I have tested this with logging out from Google account and there wasn't the link to the app, it was a link to I have a look later into my second Google account if i had installed the Wikipedia app there and if not, i can look into the google search result page :)

But i think, that the users won't recognize it, if the links were before, too.

I think at least it won't show "app installed" and overwrite the default link if you never installed wikipedia app.

I have tested it with my second account: There isn't a deep link to the app (never installed with this account on Google Play) :/

(In reply to fireattack from comment #4)

Understood that. My point is we should at least have some plain text
description other than internal links to make everything clear and easy to
search for others.

Yes, I did that.

Seems fixed, could anyone else confirm?

Uninstalled yesterday (Wikipedia and Wikipedia Beta) but still the links to the not installed app in Google search :/

Dbrant claimed this task.
Dbrant subscribed.

Closing, since this is entirely out of our control.