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Don't use psuedo-selectors that are not supported in IE 8.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Our LESS should not use psuedo-selectors that are not supported in IE 8 (using it in a jQuery selector is fine). Common ones that are not supported are :not and :empty.

The obvious exception is things like:


where it intentionally uses the construct so IE 8 drops the rule.

There is one sub-bug about this already, but I'm not planning to make a separate one for each other case. Let's just fix them.

Event Timeline

There is another in modules/styles/board/timestamps.less.

gerritbot subscribed.

Change 185392 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mattflaschen):
WIP: Fix most noticeable IE 8 issues


Change 185392 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix multiple major IE 8 issues