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Phabricator markup incorrectly recognize some strings as links
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On some imported bugs about pywikibot and wikidata (like T73713) there are references to wikidata properties, e.g. P31.
But they are incorrectly translated to some internal phabricator links.

Event Timeline

JAnD raised the priority of this task from to Low.
JAnD updated the task description. (Show Details)
JAnD added a project: Phabricator.
JAnD changed Security from none to None.
JAnD subscribed.
Qgil claimed this task.

We have no intention of forking Phabricator's remarkup. It was nobody's fault that we had two systems that now have been merged, causing a small problem like this one. New descriptions and comments wil take this factor into account, and will edit accordingly. Old descriptions can be edited as well.

For instance:

P31=Q5 or P31=Q13406463

P31=Q5 or
In T75852#783776, @Qgil wrote:

We have no intention of forking Phabricator's remarkup. It was nobody's fault that we had two systems that now have been merged, causing a small problem like this one. New descriptions and comments wil take this factor into account, and will edit accordingly. Old descriptions can be edited as well.

For instance:

P31=Q5 or P31=Q13406463

P31=Q5 or

Remember, there are many new users which were using bugzilla and have no idea how phabricator works. So they need similar editing or good help. But there is neither good help (T75853) nor similar editing.

How makes it sense if there must be some character ` which is not on keyboard to write this? on keyboard I have ' or ´


See also T75853

In fact Phabricator with its basic toolbar provides more "similar editing" (similar to many other light editors) than Bugzilla, and it offers a link for help also from the toolbar. In comparison, Bugzilla offered a plain textarea with a basic syntax that you basically needed to know (no link to any documentation from the form). That syntax was a combination of upstream features and our own custom code. So I think overall this is an improvement...

` is used to mark inline code and code snippets in Markdown, also in GitHub's flavor. It fits the expectations of users willing to type code in descriptions and comments.

So they need similar editing or good help. is the central place for our Wikimedia instance of Phabricator. describes editing. If you think that something is unclear or missing, please feel free to help improve the documentation.
It also states that you can use the Preview below when writing a comment (so you can actually see which text turns into links and where these links go to), something that Bugzilla never had.

So they need similar editing or good help. is the central place for our Wikimedia instance of Phabricator. describes editing. If you think that something is unclear or missing, please feel free to help improve the documentation.
It also states that you can use the Preview below when writing a comment (so you can actually see which text turns into links and where these links go to), something that Bugzilla never had.

Imagine, that some phabricator newbie (but with experiance with bugzilla and Wiki) wnat to enter new bug.
Start to type something. But some parts of text have unexpected behavior. So he must look for some editing help.
Oh, in right top corner of edit window, there is some link to help. And this help contains parts, which are not true or are incomplete. (T75853)

So your request is to make the little icon in the upper right corner of the "Comments" box to link to our local help instead?

So your request is to make the little icon in the upper right corner of the "Comments" box to link to our local help instead?

Yes, it should be better than linking help with obsolete informations

I am not aware of any obsolete information (if there is, please explain where exactly) and I asked for clarifiication what your actual request is in this bug report... :)