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Make lightbox height calculation more robust
Closed, InvalidPublic


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Sometimes minor unrelated javascript errors cause the lightbox (such as an error in a UI component) cause lightbox initialization to abort, and the UI ends up a weird state: even though everything works, the height of the page becomes huge (see attached image). This persists even after closing the viewer.

It doesn't seem hard to change the logic so that this cannot happen.

Event Timeline

MingleTerminator raised the priority of this task from to Low.Dec 8 2014, 4:54 PM
MingleTerminator added a project: Multimedia.
In mingle on 2014-03-12 at 21:04:50, @Tgr wrote:

On a closer look, this might be a side effect of enabling the MediaWiki debug toolbar, so the card can be closed. (Can you do that? Or just delete it?)

Tgr claimed this task.