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Animate metadata panel when opening Media Viewer
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Steps to reproduce

  • Click on an image
  • The progress bar shows up while the image loads
  • The Metadata panel doesn't animate visibly when opening Media Viewer.

Expected behavior

The Metadata panel should animate briefly, but visibly. The animation should occur after the progress bar is completed and should be noticeable enough. This is something that has been already fixed but may not be available in beta.

Her are Pau's recommendations of when to display the animation:

  • The animation should be triggered only for those people that have not opened the metadata panel before. If you have opened the metadata before anytime in your live (which means you are aware on how to access it), animation should not occur. this means that in order to try this, you need to clear the information from your local storage (where it is registered the first time you opened the panel).
  • The animation should never occur as a result of using next, previous, full-screen or de-fullscreen. Otherwise, it would be annoying. However, it can be shown everytime the user enters the MediaViewer from the article (until the user opens the panel for the first time as described in 1).

See also #554 .

Actual behavior

If you click an image the metadata panel animation is not visible enough to be noticed.

An animation adjustment has already been merged, but the issue persists.

Related Bugs

Related Stories

#554 - Make it easier to discover metadata panel

Related Changesets

Event Timeline

MingleTerminator raised the priority of this task from to High.
In mingle on 2014-04-30 at 16:33:43, @Gilles wrote:

Pau's alternate description of the issue by email:

I have some issue with the "invite" animation:

It is not happening at all when I click on a thumbnail and Media Viewer opens.
It happens when I reload the page with the Media Viewer open (I would probably like to adjust the distance of the animation a bit, but that is a different story).

I reproduced the issue on both Chrome and Firefox (clearing local storage in any case).

In mingle on 2014-05-06 at 21:25:53, @Fabrice_Florin wrote:

Is this update on Beta yet? I cannot get it to work on that site, so I can't accept it right now: