Author: gangleri
Sorry for this:
At the url you may find links to
[[fa:کاربر:ُSalman Ebrahimi]] and [[fa:کاربر:ُSenator]]
These user names start with
Unicode Character 'ARABIC DAMMA' (U+064F)
ُ or ُ which equals to %D9%8F
I am not familiar with this character but "playing" with this it seams that it
displays only in RTL or BiDi context: If you try to replace 'کاربر' with 'user'
the characters "disapears": [[fa:user:ُSalman Ebrahimi]] and [[fa:user:ُSenator]]
(but generate invalid links at least at [[fa:]]).
This is what I experience with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de;
rv: Gecko/20060308 Firefox/ .
I am not shure how this (and similar characters) should be handeled and have no
clue how the links should be displayed properly at [[fa:special:Listusers]].
See also [[fa:user:Gangleri/bugzilla/ARABIC_DAMMA]]
best regards reinhardt [[user:gangleri]]
*note* This bug migth be browser dependend.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal