I just made a bunch of tasks for a new sprint and a number of them are not getting the story points when added. If I go in and change the points, then save, then change them back, they do appear. This is also resulting in NaN for the totals per column.
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AFAIK this was deployed today (tag). Retesting (and closing as resolved if things work as expected) highly welcome.
the null points value appears only when a task that has been assigned to a sprint is saved without a points value when the custom field is initialized. If there is no value for the points custom field, Sprint returns this as "0".
For example, if a new task is created and assigned to a Sprint (before the points field appears in the form), Sprint will show a "0". However, if the task is then edited and no value is entered for the points in the points field, the value is saved as null and this returns "default". This could be overridden by the interface, but technically, this is a procedural issue. If a task is in a Sprint, it should be assigned points value by the task creator / assigner, even if the value is "0".
@Christopher This isn't just about the default value, but also the fact that the story points weren't saving.
The reason that default, and other strange values are appearing in the points field on Sprint Board cards as been resolved with T87020.
If the points are not being saved from the Task Edit form, this is a different issue. The task edit logic is part of Maniphest, not Sprint, so this would be an upstream issue. I cannot reproduce this, but will keep this open for further reports.
I think this is what's causing all the NaNs in /sprint/board/947/ columns; a bunch of the tasks have "Story points: default" and until I edit them to give story points, the column has NaN.
"default" made me hope I could specify a default number of story points per task for a workboard, but I'm OK with having to fill it in.
Was this fix deployed January 16 or will it be deployed in a future Phab update? One of the tasks in the first column shows "Points: bz70749 " Thanks!
Was this fix deployed?
On https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/sprint/board/1015/ , T52036 has 'Points: bz50036' , and the same problem exists for T65462
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/sprint/view/927/ , T147 has 'Points: fl238'
The same can be seen on
The 'default' also appears on most story boards, with NaN in the column.
I think 'default' just means the story point field is unset. I have never seen this where it actually was set.